A&A reagent Products

contrAA® 300

contrAA® 300 is the High-Resolution Continuum Source atomic absorption spectrometer for flame and hydride technique.

contrAA® 300 offers

  • Just one continuum source of radiation – characteristic for the revolutionary High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS (HR-CS AAS)
  • High-resolution echelle spectrometer
  • PC-controlled and fully-automated operation
  • Fast sequential and simultaneous multi-element analysis, at bulk concentrations and trace levels
  • Fully-automatic, completely sensor-monitored sample introduction system
  • Burner adjustment by maximum absorbance
  • Reproducible burner position by scaled height and angle adjustments
  • “Segmented Flow Star SFS6” for small sample volume and samples with strong matrix influence (salt, acid, etc.)
  • Intelligent automatic dilution for flame and graphite furnace up to 1:625 and automatic contamination check with autosampler
  • A large range of accessories
  • Coupling with the hydride technique for a new range of detection limits for hydride forming elements, such as As, Se, Sb, Te, Bi and Sn
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