To ensure that the test preparations contain the material relevant for diagnostics and the target structures
can be visualized by staining with good differentiation, it is recommended to use a control preparation.
ISOSLIDE® control preparations are a group of products created to help optimize and standardize the staining
result by enabling a direct comparison of typical control material with laboratory-internal specimens.
The ISOSLIDE® control slides consist of microscope slides with a paraffin section containing the typical
structures of the test method to be used.
The control slide is prepared using sections of suitable animal material. Each pack of ISOSLIDE® control
slides contains 25 slides. One slide is stained with the reference method and is used for comparison. The
24 unstained slides are stained according to the corresponding Merck specification or else can be stained
according to the laboratory-internal specification.
The unstained control slides are stained and subsequently compared with the laboratory material and the
stained control section regarding the staining result.