contrAA® — Atomic Absorption. Redefined.
The new contrAA® 800 series for HR-CS AAS cumulates the experience gained over the years, feedback and suggestions from the field and our experts’ refreshingly new ideas.
With its automatic atomizer switching and two-dimensional atomizer alignment, the contrAA® 800 is a versatile all-rounder that comes in a modern, space-saving design. A redesigned high-performance optical system provides improved stability and lowest noise, resulting in market-leading detection limits and superior accuracy. A new lamp design further reduces consumables costs. Analytik Jena highlights its expertise in high-performance optics with a unique long-term warranty of ten years on the optical components.
The newly developed Dynamic Mode makes use of flexible spectral evaluation parameters and enables extension of the dynamic working range up to five orders of magnitude with a single calibration curve. This helps users reduce sample preparation and dilutions to a minimum because the contrAA® is able to adapt itself to any analyte concentration present in your samples – from the ppb- to the percent-range.
contrAA® 800 series — superior technologies guarantee for excellent results
The contrAA® 800 series offers the perfect solution for all requirements:
contrAA® 800 F
HR-CS AAS for flame and hydride technology
contrAA® 800 G
HR-CS AAS for graphite furnace technology, including solid AA and HydrEA
contrAA® 800 D
The most versatile system for HR-CS AAS offering flame, hydride and graphite furnace technology, including solid AA® and HydrEA.